Overtime I have been interviewed for podcasts, articles, videos. They range in a large variation of topics. Each one gives you an insight into who I am through where I came from, experiences in my life, and my philosophies. Enjoy!
Official AthenaDemos.tv and IMDB for information about my acting.
I did a 2 part interview with Susan Ruth of Hey Human Podcast that tell you everything about me. No holds, no edits, no off the table topics. We talked about it all. So much so I had to come back for a second interview. (recorded 2019)
I sit down with Arash Afshar to discuss my 20 year obsession with all things Burning Man. (recorded 2016)
The 1st Burners Without Borders Tele-Salon with Tom LaPorte and Athena Demos. We discuss how to take the culture of Burning Man and apply it to the outside world, especially in disaster relief. (recorded 2013)